Hier finden Sie
nachfolgend die bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen mit Daten der KolosSal-Studie:
11. Heisser T, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H. Effects of screening for colorectal cancer: Development, documentation and validation of a multistate Markov model. Int J Cancer 2021; 148(8): 1973-1981
10. Heisser T, Guo F, Niedermaier T, Holleczek B, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H. Low
Risk of Advanced Neoplasms for up to 20 Years After Negative
Colonoscopy Result: Potential for Personalized Follow-up Screening
Intervals. Gastroenterology 2020; 159(6): 2235-2237
9. Hoffmeister M, Holleczek B, Stock C, Zwink N, Stolz T, Stegmaier C, Brenner H. Utilization and determinants of follow-up colonoscopies within 6 years after screening colonoscopy: prospective cohort study. Int J Cancer 2020;144:402-410
8. Erben V, Carr PR, Holleczek B, Stegmaier C, Hoffmeister M,
Brenner H. Strong associations of a healthy lifestyle with all stages
of colorectal carcinogenesis: Results from a large cohort of
participants of screening colonoscopy. Int J Cancer 2019; 144: 2135-2143
7. Erben V, Carr PR, Holeczek B, Stegmaier C, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H. Dietary patterns and risk of advanced colorectal neoplasms: A large population based screening study in Germany. Prev Med 2018; 111: 101-9
6. Zwink N, Holleczek B, Stegmaier C, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H. Complication Rates in Colonoscopy Screening for Cancer.Dtsch Arztebl Int 2017; 114(18): 321-327
5. Carr PR, Holleczek B, Stegmaier C, Brenner H, Hoffmeister M. Meat intake and risk of colorectal polyps: results from a large population-based screening study in Germany. Am J Clin Nutr 2017; 105(6): 1453-1461
4. Tao S, Hoffmeister M,
Brenner H. Development
and validation of a scoring system to identify individuals at high risk
for advanced colorectal neoplasms who should undergo colonoscopy
screening. Clin Gastroenterol Hep 2014; 12(3): 478-85
3. Hoffmeister M,
Schmitz S, Karmrodt E, Stegmaier C, Haug U, Arndt V, Brenner H. Male sex and smoking have a
larger impact on the prevalence of colorectal neoplasia than family
history of colorectal cancer. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol
2010; 8(10): 870-6
2. Brenner H, Haug U,
Arndt V, Stegmaier C, Altenhofen L, Hoffmeister M. Low risk of colorectal cancer and
advanced adenomas more than 10 years after negative colonoscopy.
Gastroenterology 2010; 138(3): 870-6
1. Brenner H,
Hoffmeister M, Arndt V, Stegmaier C, Altenhofen L, Haug U. Protection from right- and
left-sided colorectal neoplasms after colonoscopy: population-based
study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010; 102(2): 89-95